Trace.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());
Or you can specify listeners you want to use in the
section of your .config file:<listeners> <add initializedata="MyEventLog" name="EventLogListener" type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener"> </add> </listeners>
If you use the .config file it would be nice to extend the xml tag by custom attributes. To do so you need to override the
method in your TraceListener-implementation. In this method you just need to return the names of the custom attributes you want to use in the .config file. For example if you have a custom trace listener that separates trace entries by a delimiter:protected override string[] GetSupportedAttributes() { return new string[] { "delimiter" }; }Now you can specify the delimiter in you .config file:
<listeners> <add delimiter=":" initializedata="delimitedOutput.txt" name="delimitedListener" type="MyNamespace.MyDelimitedTraceListener"> </add> </listeners>To get the value of the custom attribute you can use the
property of the base class in your TraceListener
implementation:foreach (DictionaryEntry de in this.Attributes) { if (de.Key.ToString().ToLower() == "delimiter") { source = de.Value.ToString(); } }